LED Conversion service
Protect your business from rising costs with our LED lighting conversion service for residential and commercial properties.
LED lights provide a superior light quality and in addition to the intangible advantages of a well-lit environment, there is a solid financial benefit to replacing old lights with newer technologies.
If your property has light fittings with older filament style bulbs, they can be converted to use modern high performance LEDs with little fuss.
The benefits of an LED Conversion
- Energy Efficiency – LED light bulbs use only a fraction of the energy that florescent or incandescent bulbs do. Converting your standard outdated lights to LED will lead to a reduction in your energy cost.
- Superior Lighting – With the ongoing advances in LED technology, you can now get LED bulbs in all levels of light output and warmth of colour.
- Longer Lifespan – Many LED lights can last years of regular use without needing to be changed. Save yourself the headache and help the environment with LED conversion.
Environmental Impact
LED lighting not only saves you money, but by reducing energy usage, they also help the environment. LED bulbs can help you decrease your environmental impact in a variety of ways:
- LEDs convert 95% of energy to light, as opposed to incandescents which only convert 10% of energy to light.
- LEDs reduce your carbon footprint, significantly lowering the amount of energy spent and decreasing carbon dioxide emissions.
- LEDs produce significantly less heat, which limits their impact on room temperature and decreases the demand for air conditioning.
FCCM can carry out a lighting survey, quickly followed by a full LED Installation or Conversion. We provide a bespoke service tailored to your business needs, saving you money and reducing your carbon footprint. Contact FCCM and book a survey today.